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- Auto Technicians and Mechanics seeking employment
- Automotive Jobs for other automotive-related positions
Visit our Auto Technician Job website and place your ad.
AutoTechnician.org was created BY professional automotive technicians FOR professional automotive technicians.
Coming Again Soon! The Auto Technician Directory
When our website was first rolled out, we had voluntary assessment testing available to qualify professional auto techs in the field. Qualified techs would receive a free membership and a free career profile listing in our national technician membership directory. This directory allowed auto technicians to advertise themselves, or their employer, and receive customer feedback with 5 Star ratings. Unfortunately many signed up only to find their listing gone. The software used to deliver this was out-dated and eventually no longer functional. We are currenly re-developing this very important area once again, and we will announce it’s arrival after beta testing. We still have a list of most of the previous members.
AutoTechnician.org’s Mission
- For The Auto Repair Industry: Help stimulate the growth of future automotive repair shops and professionals by providing a free online promotional vehicle just for them.
- For the automotive technician: To promote continued education and technical comprehension skills needed to grow value with their employers and themselves.
- For The Consumer: To provide consumers in need of auto repair or maintenance a better, more reliable online resource to research and locate their best choice of an auto repair mechanic or technician suited for their vehicle.