Author: Automotive News Breaking News Feed
Onboard cameras a Pandora’s Box?
Onboard cameras are beginning to watch drivers to make sure they have their eyes on the road. Is this a Pandora’s box of privacy issues?
VW: $50 billion for EVs, mobility
Volkswagen plans to spend about #8364;44 billion ($50 billion) over the next five years on a comprehensive electrified mobility strategy that includes making at least 15 million battery-powered autos and further research into autonomous driving
Zotye USA wants to start selling a Chinese-made crossover in the U.S. in 2020
Chinese automaker Zotye has begun signing up U.S. retailers and plans to “really shake things up” when it comes to factory-dealer norms.
With help from AutoNation and Ford, a battered Florida car dealership’s managers and employees look ahead
The community surrounding AutoNation Ford Panama City looks like a war zone after Hurricane Michael. Still, dealership employees have found a sense of normalcy and routine in returning to the battered store.
Ford, Toyota recognized by Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push for commitment to diversity
Rainbow Coalition President Jesse Jackson said Toyota “seems to have the idea that doing business with us is good for business, not the cost of doing business.”
Nissan’s U.S. profit push bogs down as sales slow
Nissan says its push to improve profitability in the crucial U.S. market is taking more time and money than expected.
Mulally preaches routine in times of disruption
Former Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally, speaking at the National Auto Auction Association’s annual convention, said consistent analysis is the best way for leaders to assess disruptive technologies.
Maserati profit slide, lack of new products is a headache for Fiat Chrysler CEO Manley
FCA’s slumping Maserati business is a headache for new CEO Mike Manley after the brand’s profitability and vehicle sales went into a steep slide.
Crash tests show growing safety of new-gen pickups
Crash tests by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety have violently demonstrated just how safe the latest generation of pickups has become, even compared with models from only a few years ago.
Porsche sees dealer gold in classic cars
Porsche is looking to expand its Porsche Classic operations to build its lucrative vehicle service business through its U.S. dealerships.