Author: Search Auto Parts | Automotive News – Customer Service
Tires Plus and Wheel Works conducting in-store fundraisers to fight childhood cancer
Motorists visiting Wheel Works and Tires Plus locations through Oct. 10 have a chance to support the Pediatric Cancer Foundation with a $1 upgrade on an oil change.
OnStar celebrates National Customer Service Week
OnStar, as part of national customer service week, honors its more than 2,000 Advisors by recognizing their high-quality service with fielding more than 100,000 calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week. OnStar Advisors provide a wealth of inform…
ASA featured in auto safety publication for consumers
Content provided by the Automotive Service Association (ASA) was recently featured in the Los Angeles Times in a supplemental section created by MediaPlanet, an independent publisher of focused reports distributed with leading newspapers and on…
ASA featured in auto safety publication for consumers
Content provided by the Automotive Service Association (ASA) was recently featured in the Los Angeles Times in a supplemental section created by MediaPlanet, an independent publisher of focused reports distributed with leading newspapers and on…
- debuts Vehicle Health Matters consumer driving tips online video series Corporation has debuted its CarMD Vehicle Health Matters Driving Tips Video Series, which is designed to help drivers, particularly younger motorists, learn about maintenance, safety and tips to extend the life of their vehicle.
Don’t let discounts make your shop D.O.A.
Is discounting killing your business? Yes! Now, I know what you’re saying: Discounting helps create new customers and increase sales. But that is not always true. I do agree that discounting a service as an acquisition tool might help you attra…
Car Care Council urges participation in Fall Car Care month
It’s not too late to participate in Fall Car Care Month in October, the perfect time to remind your customers to have their vehicles checked after the wear and tear of summer and before harsh winter weather sets in.
Don’t let discounts make your shop D.O.A.
Is discounting killing your business? Yes! Now, I know what you’re saying: Discounting helps create new customers and increase sales. But that is not always true. I do agree that discounting a service as an acquisition tool might help you attra…
More than a paycheck
One tip to hiring and retaining the best employees is to offer outstanding benefits. Providing your employees with a comprehensive benefits package is becoming more important. Most current and prospective employes consider benefits as important…
- debuts Vehicle Health Matters consumer driving tips online video series Corporation has debuted its CarMD Vehicle Health Matters Driving Tips Video Series, which is designed to help drivers, particularly younger motorists, learn about maintenance, safety and tips to extend the life of their vehicle.