Category: Member Request
Member Certificates Now Available!
First of all, sorry for my disappearing act the past few weeks. Just been crazy busy. However, as promised, we’ve developed a printable Certificate of Membership for our current and new members.
We’re Not Stopping With Certificates Either
In addition to membership certificates, it has also been suggest by several to have embroidered membership patches available for uniforms and hats. After the overwhelming response in just a few days with requests for certificates, member patches just make sense. They can be created online relatively inexpensive too. We want our name and logo on…
One Hundred U.S. Dollars for the Best Designed Membership Certificate
Well, it’s only taken one week to come up with the obvious: our members want certificates of membership and they are willing to put up a couple of bucks to get the system developed. In exchange for those who contribute toward development costs, a free ad will made for each individual on the main website…
New Voting Poll for Members Concerning Member Certificates
There is a new poll to cast your vote on. We are asking all members to participate. It’s in regard to having an Membership Certificate with your name and made printable from the website. Cast your vote here. This request question has come up quite a few times now so we want to know…