Category: Training Class
Updated: Starter Voltage Drop Test Explained in Plain English
(This article is an updated revision of my original post on this subject here.) Why Voltage Drop Testing? It’s a fast, accurate, reliable, and professional test for finding unwanted resistance. It leaves you with a simple YES or NO answer. It can help separate an expert technician from a noob. It saves countless hours of…
FREE Online Training Classes for Technicians Beginning Feb 24th
Yesterday I received an email request from Craig Truglia over at TST – Technicians Service Training. Craig requested being added to our Training Resources page and I didn’t hesitate to do so. They offer high quality technical training and have many of the same goals as We are proud to promote them. TST is…
Starter Voltage Drop Test Explained in Plain English
As an instructor, I would see some techs in class cringe when they heard the words “voltage drop test” for testing poor starter circuit symptoms. It’s like I was shoving toothpicks up their fingernails! Funny thing is, once it’s understood, it’s used by every smart tech. It saves countless hours of trial and error and…